Tagged with male
Black Man in a White Coat: a Doctor's Reflections on Race and Medicine
I came to appreciate how the medical system itself is sometimes just as sick as its patients.
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Pigman, the
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Cheer the Eff Up #6
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Woman in the Movie Star Dress, the
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Diverse Energies
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Buried on Avenue B
It's weird when a book takes place in a neighborhood you know incredibly well, but is in a universe you've heard about but don't recognize, populated by alcoholic, bigoted police officers. Buried on Avenue B has a second location, Sarasota, Florida, which is not far from Tampa, where I went to grad school. The people in the Publix grocery stores in Sarasota are depicted as nicer than the ones I encountered in Tampa, but there was one commonality--old men bagging groceries. De Jonge assumes they're doing it for the minimum wage. In my naivete, I want to believe it is for something to do.
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On the Ground: an Illustrated History of the Sixties Underground Press in the U.S.
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Book of Cats
The Ralph Steadman of illustrations evoking a the drug-saturated and otherwise seriously fucked up mind of Hunter S. Thompson has published a book of cat drawings. I bought it for Eric for our solstice gift exchange, because I'm that thoughtful. I may have enjoyed the book more than he did, but I would have never bought it for myself. He's welcome.