TRIGGER WARNING: If you find the story of a cat passing over too emotionally charged to handle, you might want to leave your bookmark permanently on page 75 like my kitty' daddy did.
Oh, cats and their short life spans. What the hell? And Joe's cat's estimated age trebled every time he brought her to the vet. DAMN VET.
Joe's story of his brief time with Georgia is endearing, Georgia being a cat and all, and Joe having the proper appreciation for her play and other charms. The book, published by Dead River Distro and illustrated by Mellen, is beautifully produced. It's quarter sized, handmade, and is bound with monster staples covered in brown tape. The illustrations--all portraits of Georgia--make her seem angry, which doesn't jibe with how Joe describes her, but they're still cute.
I was mostly in it for how Joe details his interactions with and appreciation for his cat friend. He writes about meeting her, bringing her home, introducing her to her extended family, traveling with her to the Poconos, how she fought and played, etc., all with the proper admiration for feline goodness.
I love the story of Joe's parents, on catsitting duty, texting photos of Georgia being adorable every twenty minutes...until they lost her. I won't spoil the cuteness for you, just assure you that Georgia survives her visits with her grandparents.
You can buy this book from the author/designer/publisher/distributor for $7.