Astonish Me Sun, 10/01/2017 - 8:21pm by jenna author: Shipstead, Maggie reviewdate: Sep 28 2017isn: 9780307962911book type: fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: balletrelationshipsfamilies
Little & Lion Sun, 09/17/2017 - 2:41pm by jenna author: Colbert, Brandy reviewdate: Sep 11 2017isn: 978-0316349000recommendation: recommendedbook type: fictionYAfree: bisexualsBlack teensinterracial familiesmixed racebipolar disorderLA
You Bring the Distant Near Sun, 09/10/2017 - 6:12pm by jenna author: Perkins, Mitali reviewdate: Sep 4 2017isn: 9780374304904book type: fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: indian-americansmixed racenyc
Unorthodox: the Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots Sun, 09/03/2017 - 8:11pm by jenna author: Feldman, Deborah reviewdate: Aug 29 2017isn: 9781439187029book type: memoirrecommendation: recommendedfree: orthodox jewshasids
Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth Sun, 08/13/2017 - 8:37pm by jenna author: Konigsburg, E.L. reviewdate: Aug 12 2017isn: 9781416933960 recommendation: recommendedbook type: children's literaturefictionfree: tweenswitches20th centurywhite-authored books about people of color
Almost Crimson Wed, 08/09/2017 - 9:48pm by jenna author: Kelly, Dasha reviewdate: Aug 9 2017isn: 9781940430621book type: fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: Black womenmothers and daughtersneglected childrenmental illness
Young Jane Young Sun, 07/30/2017 - 5:37pm by jenna author: Zevin, Gabrielle reviewdate: Jul 24 2017isn: 9781616205041book type: fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: jewish womenmothers and daughterssecretsfloridamaine
Roller Girl: a Lake Lovelace Novel Sun, 07/02/2017 - 8:49pm by jenna author: North, Vanessa reviewdate: Jun 28 2017isn: 9781626494183book type: fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: lesbiansroller derbytrans womendogsflorida
Silence Fallen Sun, 06/25/2017 - 4:23pm by jenna author: Briggs, Patricia reviewdate: Jun 19 2017isn: 9780698195813book type: fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: werewolvesshapeshifterswitchesvampiresauto mechanics
Mouths Don't Speak Sun, 06/04/2017 - 11:36pm by jenna author: Ulysse, Katia D. reviewdate: May 24 2017isn: 9781617755927book type: fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: haitihaitian-americansestranged families