This Is Not a Love Scene Sun, 03/03/2019 - 8:57pm by jenna author: Megale, S.C. reviewdate: Feb 26 2019isn: 9781250190499recommendation: recommendedbook type: fictionYAfree: disabled womenmuscular dystrophyfilmmakerslusty teens
Meaty Sun, 12/10/2017 - 4:30pm by jenna author: Irby, Samantha reviewdate: Dec 5 2017isn: 9780988825864 book type: memoirrecommendation: recommendedfree: essaysBlack womencrohn's diseasedisabled womendating
We Are Never Meeting in Real Life: Essays Sun, 12/03/2017 - 5:46pm by jenna author: Irby, Samantha reviewdate: Nov 30 2017isn: 9781101912195book type: memoirrecommendation: highly recommendedfree: essaysBlack womenchicagodisabled womenlesbiansdatingscats
On the Edge of Gone Sun, 11/12/2017 - 7:04pm by jenna author: Duyvis, Corinne reviewdate: Nov 6 2017isn: 9781613129012recommendation: recommendedbook type: fictionYAfree: autismfuture dystopiadisabled womenfamilies
Don't Call Me Inspirational: A Disabled Feminist Talks Back Sun, 11/12/2017 - 6:31pm by jenna author: Rousso, Harilyn reviewdate: Nov 2 2017isn: 978143990936-2book type: memoirrecommendation: recommendedfree: activismdisabled womenfeministsnyc