Tagged with chicago
We Are Never Meeting in Real Life: Essays
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The First Rule of Punk
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Ballads of Suburbia
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Shortest Day 2013, the
If you've been paying any attention at all, you know that I'm a huge Celia Perez fan. In fact I reviewed last year's issue of The Shortest Day here, most glowingly.
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I don't want to be mean about a book on this blog. Usually if I don't like a book, I just don't finish it, but for some reason I stuck with Conception, even though it rankled. I guess the story was relatively compelling. I had two major problems with the book--its narrators: the protagonist and the talking fetus. I didn't find 15-year-old Shivana Montgomery likable, or even sympathetic. I had a hard time getting past the unborn child having a voice and the somewhat pro-life stance of the novel. When I could get over my politics, I still couldn't get into its tales of its previous martyred mothers. African-American women don't have much of a chance in the past or present of Conception. If that is Buckhanon's point, she makes it successfully, but not in a way that reaches me emotionally. I'm interested to know if any of y'all have read this book and whether you had a different take on it. (Celia, give it a try during the winter break. It takes place in Chicago, if that helps.)
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back from the midwest
Okay; I've been back from Minneapolis (SHARP conference and Zine Fest) and Chicago (visiting a library school friend) for almost a week, but it's taken me a while to get around to writing it up. First I needed a day off, then I had to focus on catching up on work stuff, and then there was Harry Potter to devour.