Tagged with journalists
Surpassing Certainty: What My Twenties Taught Me
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Lola Bensky
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I anticipated this final entry to the Newsflesh trilogy with perhaps greater excitement than I did Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Mockingjay, though that may be that my desire was fanned by NYPL's dragging its ass on getting copies.
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Every Good-Bye Ain't Gone
I'm not sure whether to class this book as memoir or essays. It's a series of essays about the author's family and about herself. It's person-focused, rather than linear. Normally I'm wary of that sort of thing, but I didn't mind it here. Njeri is a journalist, so each piece could appear by itself in a magazine. With the context of all of the other pieces, though, you get a more complete picture of the author than you would otherwise. Her family is huge, and she has a lot of facets to her own personality to explore. Still, there are some commonalities. Njeri is full of heart, also moxie. She is not uncritical of her family and herself, but she also shows a lot of love and understanding, even for the broken parts of her family and herself.