Last Library Journal Zine Review Column
The last Library Journal zine review column, Fat Activism and Body Positivity: Zines for Transforming the Status Quo, written by Sarah Lawrence librarians Kate Angell & Charlotte Price has been posted.
The last Library Journal zine review column, Fat Activism and Body Positivity: Zines for Transforming the Status Quo, written by Sarah Lawrence librarians Kate Angell & Charlotte Price has been posted.
The latest Library Journal zine reviews column is out. The theme this time around was zines by people who took at least five years off between zines.
A.j.’s consumption zine this year contains short reviews of what she read, saw, and listened to, but details what she anti-consumed, i.e. gave away. A girl with a library degree, and a case of packratitude, she purged her book collection. Because she is a big old library geek, not to mention a comics geek and exhibits several other flavors of geekish predilections, she provides a helpful methodology for ridding herself of her books.
The latest Library Journal zine review column is up.
The latest zine reviews column, this time contributed by Bat Annex zine librarian Lacey Prpić Hedtke, is up. Lacey reviews the Doris Antidepression Guide, an issue of Dwelling Portably, the first Dames on Frames, Radical Pet #4, and HPV.
The latest Library Journal zine reviews column, Where the Boy Zines Are is up. It was contributed by Katie Haegele, one of my favorite of the current generation of zine makers. I asked Katie to focus on zines by men in order to offset my personal and professional bias toward women's zines. To date we've reviewed approximately twice as many zines by women as by men. I don't know the demographics of zine publishing, so I'm not sure if female identified authors are as dominant as that. It's pretty unlikely.
The latest Library Journal zine reviews column, Teach a Zine Librarian To Fish: Zine Distro Reviews is up. Thanks to Anastasia, Jerianne, Kelly, and Kelsey for helping out. This marks the first column where I wrote a review myself instead of just editing.
Thanks and congrats are due my zines bestie Celia Perez for contributing the latest Library Journal zine reviews column on Zines by People of Color.
The latest Library Journal reviews column is up. In it, Jeremy Brett, Katie Haegele, Lacey Prpic Hedtke, LP Smith, and Julie Turley review zines by Mike Baker, Jenna Brager, Davida Gypsy Breier, William Patrick Tandy, J.B. Winter, and Sugene Yang-Kelly. I throw in a little zine etiquette for good measure.