It's Not Like It's a Secret Tue, 07/17/2018 - 11:32pm by jenna author: Sugiura, Misa reviewdate: Jul 9 2018isn: 9780062473431recommendation: highly recommendedbook type: fictionYAfree: lesbian teensjapanese americansAsian-Americansmovingcalifornia
The Translation of Love Sun, 01/21/2018 - 5:49pm by jenna author: Kutsukake, Lynne reviewdate: Jan 16 2018isn: 9780385540681 book type: fictionfree: historical fictionjapanjapanese americans
Saving Montgomery Sole Mon, 07/04/2016 - 2:58pm by jenna author: Tamaki, Mariko reviewdate: Jun 22 2016isn: 9781626722729book type: fictionYAfree: lesbian mothersgay teenstheater kidshomophobiaextreme christiansjapanese americans