Highlights from the April 2016 SACO editorial meeting and LCSH monthly list.
SACO, emphases theirs
Photography of pets
The only support provided for this proposal is “Hawaiʻi's pets, 2011,” which is not sufficient. The proposal should include information from the work that supports the heading being proposed. The proposal may be resubmitted.
Proof that SACO is comprised of heartless villains. I mean, what more do you need to know than "photography of pets"?!?
Photo from Pet Photography Oahu, Honolulu Dog Photographer
Speaking of villains…
This proposal originally appeared on Tentative List 1 (2016), the Summary of Decisions for which stated,
The only supporting information provided is the title, which translates to “Heroes and villains.” LCSH contains several headings for Villains in [art, literature, etc.] but this proposal could be simply cataloging by title. Evidence should be provided that the work is about persons who practice villainy in general. If the heading is really needed, the cataloger should consider what the relationship between Villains and the existing headings Brigands and robbers; Thieves; Rogues and vagabonds, etc., should be. The proposal may be resubmitted.
The proposal now includes information from the work being cataloged that indicates that several rulers are discussed, including Fidel Castro, Benito Mussolini, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Saddam Hussein. The labeling of some or all of these persons as “villains” is wholly subjective. Works of this nature have been assigned headings appropriate to the classes of persons or ethnic groups to which the persons being discussed belong. The current work being cataloged may be assigned Kings and rulers—Biography and Heads of state—Biography The proposal was not approved.
Can't argue with their reasoning on this one. I do wonder about "Kings" and rulers, though. I prefer the genderless "Heads of state" heading.
Reform Jews
The announcement for Phase 3 of the LCDGT pilot indicated that proposals will be accepted for new cataloging only (http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcdgt-acceptance-manual.html). This proposal included citations to several older works that were cataloged some time ago. The proposal was withdrawn and deleted.
It's true. There's no proof that anyone will ever write a book or create any other media warranting this heading.
LCSH, emphases mine
150 Jewish punk rock musicians [May Subd Geog] [sp2016000436](A)
550 BT Jewish rock musicians
550 BT Punk rock musicians
I'm excited about this because the author of the warrant did research at the Barnard Zine Library.
Best part of the story: Michael Croland wasn't going to write much about zines until he discovered the trove of Jewy punk zines in the Columbia catalog.
150 Parents of transgender children [May Subd Geog] [sp2016000194](C)
550 BT Transgender children
We have at least one zine for that at Barnard.
150 Women midwives [May Subd Geog] [sp2016000300](C)
550 BT Midwives
550 BT Women in medicine
150 Women nurses [May Subd Geog] [sp2016000330](C)
450 UF Female nurses
550 BT Nurses
550 BT Women in medicine
BREAKING: LC IS DE-DEFAULTING THE LADIES in feminized professions. Hilarious that they start with decentering women in traditional women's roles, rather than establishing, say Male basketball players.
Truth be told, though, I don't know if I'll apply these versions of the headings, vs. Midwives or Nurses. Do you think I should?
150 Comics writers [dp2016060087](C)
072 occ
450 UF Comic book writers
450 UF Comic strip writers
450 UF Comicbook writers
450 UF Graphic novel writers
450 UF Graphic novelists
450 UF Novel writers, Graphic
450 UF Novelists, Graphic
Should I start using this? I could! But I haven't started applying 150s yet. I'm waiting to talk about it with other zine librarians at the Zine Librarians unConference in July.
150 Israelis [dp2016060051](C)
072 nat
450 UF Yiśreʼelim
550 BT Asians
BT Asians is fascinating. I wonder why no BT Arabs.
150 Japanese Americans [dp2015060312]
450 UF Kibei Nisei DELETE FIELD
Do they really have to authorize each Hypenated American group individually? Can't there be some rule that sanctions a whole class of heading at once? And why not err on the side of having a wrong heading now and again?
150 Parents of transgender people [dp2016060040](C)
072 soc
450 UF Transgender people, Parents of
550 BT Parents
Should I go back and add this to Hatch! Mister Sister? Also seeing now that the current abstract is problematic.
Cover from QZAP
Mon, 07/18/2016 - 7:48pm
This comment is from Adam
This comment is from Adam Schiff
Hi Jenna,
I saw your comment:
150 Israelis [dp2016060051](C)
072 nat
450 UF Yiśreʼelim
550 BT Asians
BT Asians is fascinating. I wonder why no BT Arabs.
The explanation to your question is that Israelis is a national/regional
group (072 nat), while Arabs is an ethnic group (072 eth):
150 Arabs
072 eth
450 Arabians
It's LCDGT policy that broader terms must come from the same category as the
term in the 150 field. And it makes sense, since adding BT Arabs to Israelis
would imply that Israelis are a subset of Arabs, which isn't the case.
According to the LCDGT manual
(http://www.loc.gov/aba/publications/FreeLCDGT/L540.pdf) the BT for a
nationality (country-level demographic term) should be the demographic term
for the continent in which the country is situated (see page 6 of the
instruction sheet I gave the link for). That's why the BT for Israelis is
Incidentally, although these terms are coded 150 in the authority records,
they are not intended for use as subject headings (650 in bib records). And
if used in 650, you'd have to indicate the source of the term in subfield $2,
because these aren't LCSH:
650 _7 Israelis. $2 lcdgt
They are actually intended for use in fields 385 and 386 of bibliographic and
authority records. 385 is used for terms for the audience of a resource,
while 386 is used to describe characteristics of the creators of or
contributors to a resource.
So if the creator of a zine is Israeli, you would add to your bib record:
386 Israelis $2 lcdgt
If the audience of a zine is teenagers, then:
385 Teenagers $2 lcdgt
The LCDGT terms are not available for searching in OCLC at this time. :(
Instead you can search them in id.loc.gov, in Classification Web, or you can
view a PDF of them (but it's a static list that isn't up to date since it was
first produced) at
Mon, 07/18/2016 - 7:50pm
I'm looking forward to
I'm looking forward to beginning to use 386s. We're going to talk about it at the zine librarians unconference in a couple weeks.