Tagged with bibliographies
2018 Reads
I read 105 books in 2018, an average of two a week plus a bonus book.
My record-keeping is imperfect, but here are approximate author/subject identity breakdowns:
51% PoC
43% YA
16% auto/biography
09% not published this century
07% immigrant
06% male
05% disabled
05% re-reads
05% non-fiction (non-memoir)
04% middle grades/children's
04% graphic novels
02% read for school
Queer Women's Fiction
This started as a Facebook update, but I thought it would be worth exploring at greater length here, especially as I hope to have a nice bibliography of queer women's fiction by the time I'm through.
Five links so I won't get in trouble with Lois
Here is another buncha things I wanted to write long posts about but never will get around to: