The Change Before the Change: Everything You Need to Know to Stay Healthy in the Decade Before Menopause Sun, 10/29/2017 - 4:35pm by jenna author: Corio, Laura E.Kahn, Linda G. reviewdate: Oct 25 2017isn: 055310876Xbook type: non-fictionrecommendation: recommendedfree: perimenopausemenopausedoctors
Writing Menopause: An Anthology of Fiction, Poetry and Creative Nonfiction Sat, 10/14/2017 - 10:06pm by jenna author: Cawthorne, Jane (ed.)Morin, E.D. (ed.) reviewdate: Sep 5 2017isn: 978-1-77133-353-5book type: fictionfree: perimenopausemenopausecanadianscronesshort stories
More Than You Think You Know Sun, 06/11/2017 - 6:06pm by jenna author: Perkins, Cyndi reviewdate: Jun 9 2017isn: 9781940761312book type: fictionfree: menopauseperimenopausemiddle aged womensailing
Moody Bitches - the Perimenopause chapter Mon, 03/14/2016 - 9:33pm by jenna author: Holland, Julie reviewdate: Mar 10 2016isn: 9781594205804author gender: femalebook type: non-fictionmedium: booksrecommendation: highly recommendedfree: agingperimenopause