Tillie Walden started figure skating at the age of five (the same age she realized she was gay). When she starts her graphic memoir, she's eleven and moving from NJ to Texas. Skating is the thread of Walden's story, but it's also about loneliness, friendship, identity, sexuality, family relationships, powerlessness, and coming-of-age.
Her memoir is relatable and moving, and the illustrations annoyingly skilled for someone who didn't start really paying attention to her art until a couple/few years before beginning the memoir.
This is one of the sweet-saddest moments
The next page is a single-cel image of the two girls, partially in moonlight, and Walden finishing her thought,
it was the fear.
About ten pages letter there's another full-page drawing, this time of Walden's reflection in a hotel vending machine that dazzles me.