I took extensive notes in this book. It would take me hours to write a review that reflected all of the Deep Thoughts it evoked in me. So, short lolmythesis version:
An archivist, an artist/historian, and a librarian have different approaches to organizing and contextualizing zines in their collections.
Full disclosure: I'm the librarian whose work is critiqued and dog-help-me lauded in Kate's dogdamn brilliant examination of zine archiving.
Full disclosure: I first-named the author just now because we are friends, having become so over the course of her research on this book.
Seriously though: Kate is a for-real smarty pants, who gets and respects archiving and librarianship more deeply than any non-librarian or archivist scholar in the known universe. Really.
Also: She managed to harness her brilliance in prose, that while decidedly academic, is accessible to practitioner schlubs like me. I appreciate that there's plenty of "I" in her writing, too. The subject matter is personal to her, and has been for a long time.