In answer to a question I raised in my review of the previous book in the Blue Bloods series, the vamps do seem to get some in this volume, though the nookying does go undescribed. As one interpretation of the title implies, Revelations reveals stuff. Some secrets get told and you get a better idea of who the big bad is, but really, there's not much going on. Oh, except a lot of people die. Still and all, the series seems to be getting to that place where each book is a lead in to the next, not as solid a standalone story as it could be.
And yet, I devoured it, as I did the others, and as I do most paranormal fiction these days, much as I want to return to days of headier reading.
One thing I haven't mentioned yet is that I appreciate that the story is told from the point of view of three strong young women. Some men have power, though that's really because they're adults. The younger men, while compelling love objects, so far haven't been the ones calling the shots.