It's hard to write a competent review for this minicomic perzine. I really just want to show you all of the comics so you can see for yourself how brilliant they are. But that would be obnoxious.
A theme of this issue is "punk rock overachievers unite and destroy," a sentiment I find amusing and satisfying. I like the idea of an alternate form of success that it suggests, and also that it justifies being driven.
One of my favorite pages in the issue compares zines and magazines, something I've been meaning to write about for a while and will eventually (adding in fan magazines, which are different than fanzines mothafuckas).
Anyway, it's not like mainstream magazines accurately represent my identity or my experiences.
Not that I want them to.
Can you imagine what the Time Inc. magazine for my demographic would look like?
Probably like a really gross sellout of my zine, actually.
Still, I can't quite fathom a corporate pro-bearded lady magazine.
See, do I need to comment on that? You get it, right?
There's also good stuff about college suckery, falling in love, and medical people making fucked up assumptions about how one feels about one's body and what body parts one's partner might possess. I want to quote my favorite bit, but I'm afraid I've already approached my quote quota. Buy or trade for a copy and check out page 14. Also, the "Graduate from College with a Bachelor's Degree" flowchart on the inside back cover is brilliant and depressing. I wish I'd considered "become an anarcho-primitivist, eat bark" instead of moving to NYC and working in bookstores for close to minimum wage when I graduated from college.
Buy Sassyfrass Circus (none listed right now) and partake of Jenna's other creations on their Etsy shop, email sassyfrasscircus at the big g dot c, or order from one of the distros that carry their work. Download issues 2 and 3 from the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP).