Since this is kind of important to me, I'm ignoring the rest of Week 35 to focus on what I think was a spectacularly dumbass decision.
* 150 Fanzines CANCEL
(A) 150 Fan magazines [May Subd Geog] [sp 85047176]
680 Here are entered works on professionally and nonprofessionally published magazines that are intended for the fans of a particular aspect of popular culture.
550 BT Periodicals
Don't you wish LC had a discussion page, the way Wikipedia does? Accountability? Transparency? Nope—just authority. I don't so much question authority as disrespect it. Wikipedia also has an entry for Fan magazine, and recognizes it as a completely different type of publication than a fanzine. And judging from the length of the entries, fanzine is the far more popular term.
I guess LC does provided some evidence of its decision making process:
670 __ |a NYT. [How about a date though, or a reference?]
670 __ |a Hennepin. [I definitely need a date on this one. I know Sandy Berman and Chris Dodge, one of whom likely suggested it know the difference between FAN MAGAZINES and FANZINES.]
670 __ |a 2009030392: Slide, A. Inside the fan magazine, 2010 |b (commerically produced magazines chiefly for moviegoers from 1910 through the 1970s, and now used as a major source of information for students and scholars; their heyday coincided with the rise of the movie studio system, from the period of1920-1950; the first major fan magazine was Motion picture story magazine) [Uh, yeah. What does this have to do with FANZINES? FANZINES, which have their roots in 1920s and 30s science fiction fandom, may have developed parallel to movie mags, but that doesn't mean they're the same thing.]
670 __ |a Wikipedia, Aug. 13, 2009: |b fan magazine (professionally written and published magazine intended for the amusement of fans of the popular culture subject matter which it covers) fanzine (a nonprofessional and nonofficial publication produced by fans of a particular cultural phenomenon (such as a literary or musical genre) for the pleasure of others who share their interest) [They make it look like that was one entry. Wikipedia distinguishes between them and refers readers from the short Fan magazines entry to the long Fanzines article.]
In my annoyed opinion, some major differences are:
Fan magazine
Commercially produced
Intended for the fans of a particular aspect of popular culture
Example, Us Weekly
Self published
Intended for the fans of a fringe aspect of popular or unpopular culture
Example, Judy!
See the difference?
I don't care if they add FAN MAGAZINES, but using it for/instead of FANZINES is fucking asinine a little misguided.
laura (not verified)
Tue, 09/22/2009 - 1:34pm
No shit. Yeah, that is a
No shit. Yeah, that is a poor decision on their part.