Quince Clash picks up in the same school year where we met Fabiola Garza and her family and friends in the first Border Town novel Crossing the Line. Fabi's younger sister gets her in trouble again, this time challenging the school richie rich, Melodee Stanton, to a quinceañera duel. The better quince wins; the loser has to shave her head and be the winner's slave for a week. Fabiola, who turned 15 ages ago, didn't even want to have a quinceañera. She wanted to spend the money on a trip to New York, but mierdo happens. In this case a lot of it.
There are lies and competition with boys and a family emergency, but it's tween lit, and things work out the way they should. That's not to say that there aren't moments of realness with money problems and narcotraficantes touching Fabi's life.