Highlights from the September 2015 SACO editorial meeting and LCSH monthly list.
SACO, emphases theirs
Holocaust deniers
The proposal cited only a single work being cataloged, which is about Holocaust denialism, and the methodology of the denial arguments. It does seem to discuss some deniers, but in order to talk about their beliefs, not about them as persons. The work is therefore not about Holocaust deniers as a class of persons. It would be analogous to assigning Historians to a work about historical methodology that includes case studies of the methodology of particular historians. The work should be cataloged with the heading Holocaust denial. The proposal was not necessary.
I don't understand why some concepts and concept purveyors are allowed and some aren’t. E.g., there are headings for Feminism and Feminists.
Research Triangle (N.C. : Region)
This term was searched in GNIS without success, but the North Carolina Gazetteer (which is cited) says that the region is just called the Triangle. The meeting suggested that the cataloger should try a third source other than Wikipedia, perhaps Columbia Gazetteer and/or Britannica, to support the choice of heading. The proposal may be resubmitted.
Tambourine and piano music
This proposal was submitted with only the title of the work cat provided, which does not have an obvious relationship to the heading proposed. The proposal may be resubmitted.
Perhaps if the proposal had been submitted with a photo of the Partridge Family, featuring Suzanne Crough as Tracy's tambo stylings.
LCSH, emphases mine
155 Apologetic writings [gp2015026027]
555 BT Religious materials
680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that explain a religion, denomination, sect, etc., and defend it from external criticism.
Fast track Religion project, fyi.
155 Pilgrimage guides [gp2015026048]
555 BT Guidebooks
555 BT Religious materials
680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that describe the location, objects of veneration, and devotional practices related to one or more religious sites.
I'm picturing a Rough Guide for pilgrims.
155 Spirit writings [gp2015026052]
555 BT Discursive works
680 This heading is used as a genre/form heading for automatic writing said to have been produced under the influence of spirits.
MS Word wants LC to know that "said to have been produced" is passive language. I think that means they're judging spirit writings. The scope notes for the other two LCSH I'm highlighting this month are active.
Plus a lot of Pope related headings. Whatever.