Highlights from the October 2015 SACO editorial meeting and LCSH monthly list.
SACO, emphases theirs
Jewish cooking—Moroccan style
The meeting was not able to evaluate this proposal because the source citation included only the Spanish title of the work being cataloged. The proposal may be resubmitted.
Babies. Or should I say bebés? I wonder if the source was in was Ladino, rather than Spanish.
Planetary science
This proposal was made to revise the existing heading Planetology to the more common Planetary science. The meeting requests that the cataloger consider whether the heading should be plural instead, following the pattern of other LC subject headings, including Earth sciences; Aquatic sciencesSpace sciences. Support for the plural can be found on the website of the European Planetology Network.
Additional proposals also need to be submitted in support of this proposal. The BT on the narrower term needs to be adjusted, as does the UF Planetology—Geographic information systems on Planetary geographic information systems.
The proposal may be resubmitted.
OMG just make it Planetary sciences, then! Who's going to fuss over an "s" other than you?
Robots, Domestic
The meeting requests that an authoritative source be consulted instead of Wikipedia. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), for instance, promulgates international standards for electronics. The IEC indicates that domestic robots are also called “home robots” and that not all service robots are domestic robots, which calls the proposed UF into question. Additionally, SHM H 306 states that new topical headings should be established in natural-language form. The proposal may be resubmitted.
Yeah, well, pedantic ones, you still use two spaces between sentences when popular usage has had it at one since shortly after people stopped using typewriters in favor of computers.
Thumb—Religious aspects; Thumb—Religious aspects—Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.]
The only information provided in the record was the citation The issue of kissing the thumbs, 2009, which does not have an obvious relationship to the heading being proposed. Information from the work being cataloged should be supplied. The proposal may be resubmitted.
Okay, I'll give them this one. Sounds like a joke suggestion to me.
LCSH, emphases mine
150 Catalogers [May Subd Geog] [sp 85020815 ] (C)
450 UF Cataloging librarians ADD FIELD
So they go to the trouble of adding a UF Cataloging librarians, but say nothing about Metadata librarians, Metadata specialists, Metadataists, etc.?
150 Cosplay [May Subd Geog] [sp2015001998] (A) (C)
053 GV1201.8
450 UF Costume play
550 BT Amusements
550 BT Role playing
Imagining the cosplay activities at the Library of Congress…
150 Male rape in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2015001946] (C)
Yay—a heading where women are default and men are other! Um.
150 Online trolling [May Subd Geog] [sp2015002174]
450 UF Internet trolling
450 UF Trolling, Online
550 BT Online etiquette
550 BT Telematics
We know who the default is here. I'm not sure "telematics" makes any conceptual sense here.
150 Race on television [Not Subd Geog] [sp2015002176] (A)
550 BT Television programs
The warrant is Race, gender, and sexuality in post-apocalyptic TV and film, which looks like a good book, but I bet they could have come up with a cover that had indicated content that had anything to do with race.
150 Right to be forgotten [May Subd Geog] [sp2015001891] (C)
450 UF Right to be forgotten--Law and legislation
450 UF Right to oblivion
550 BT Disclosure of information--Law and legislation
550 RT Privacy, Right of
680 Here are entered works on the concept that individuals should be entitled to delete their personal information from the Internet.
Oh, France.
150 SlutWalk movement [May Subd Geog] [sp2015002047] (C)
550 BT Social movements
Zines at Barnard that mention SlutWalk in the catalog: six, so far.
Netanel (not verified)
Thu, 12/24/2015 - 9:37pm
I don't normally discuss the
I don't normally discuss the tentative proposed LCSH, because I like to make my posts about the Approved Lists, BUT
It may interest you to know (if you didn't already) that Thumbs -- Religious aspects has made it onto the tentative list for January 18th, 2016!
See here: https://classificationweb.net/tentative-subjects/1601.html
Fri, 12/25/2015 - 2:40pm
I admire your approved-list
I admire your approved-list only principle and your flouting of it to update me on Thumbs.