Highlights from the June 2015 SACO editorial meeting and LCSH monthly list.
SACO, emphases theirs
Fascism and medicine
The heading being proposed should be used for works that are about the effect that fascism has on medicine, as well as the effect that medicine has on fascism (see the background statement in SHM H 310). The work being cataloged, on the other hand, is an analysis of the policies about mental illness in fascist Italy, and the way that diagnosis and treatment of mental illness were used to neutralize opponents of the regime. It may be cataloged with the headings Mental illness—Political aspects—Italy—History—20th century; Psychiatry—Political aspects—Italy—History—20th century; Dissenters—Italy—
Psychology; Fascism—Italy—History. The proposal was not necessary.
Interesting that this heading was rejected the same month Refusal to treat--Moral and ethical aspects (see below> was accepted.
Female-dominated professions; Men in female-dominated professions
The work being cataloged is about men in early childhood education, not about female-dominated professions – or the men practicing them – in general. It can be cataloged using the existing heading Male early childhood teachers, with subdivisions as appropriate. The proposal was not necessary.
I'm inclined to agree with this one. Sort of like how there is no such thing as "reverse racism," women don't *really* dominate professions in which they are highly represented.
Indian gay men
The only evidence provided in support of this proposal was the title of the work being cataloged, Halfbreed’s rise. Since there is not a clear relationship between the title and the proposed heading, the meeting was unable to evaluate the proposal. The proposal may be resubmitted with a full source citation, which includes information from the work being cataloged.
Okay, yeah, I understand why petitioners are required to make their case, but it seems clear that Indian gay men exist. Would it be so terrible for SACO artists to grab another reference themselves?
LCSH, emphases mine
150 Authors as executives [May Subd Geog] [sp2014002244](C)
550 BT Executives
I don't know what this means, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to. The warrant is Italian.
150 Flowerpot music [May Subd Geog] [sp2015000796]
680 Here are entered musical compositions not in a specific form or of a specific type consisting of sounds produced by tapping, hitting, striking, etc., a flowerpot or a number of flowerpots, and collections of such compositions in several forms or types.
I'm relieved that this happens with empty flowerpots. I think it would be awfully stressful on the flowers in the pots otherwise.
150 Gender-neutral toilet facilities [May Subd Geog] [sp2015001114](C)
450 UF All-gender toilet facilities
450 UF Gender-open toilet facilities
450 UF Non-gendered toilet facilities
450 UF Unisex toilet facilities
550 BT Public toilets
550 BT Restrooms
Photo from HPAlliance on Twitter
At Barnard we use "Gender-inclusive," but this is still pretty great.
150 Hangover [May Subd Geog] [sp2015000920]
450 UF Veisalgia
550 BT Alcohol--Physiological effect
How is this only a heading now?!?
150 Indie pop music [May Subd Geog] [sp2015000867](A)
450 UF Independent pop music
550 BT Alternative rock music
How is this only a heading now?!?
150 Refusal to treat--Moral and ethical aspects [May Subd Geog] [sp2015001047]
450 UF Conscientious objection (Medical ethics)
550 BT Medical ethics
The warrants don't indicate if there is a particular topic that prompted this heading.
150 Women doctoral students [May Subd Geog] [sp2015000905](A)
550 BT Doctoral students
550 BT Women graduate students
How fitting with #ILookLikeAProfessor tearing up the Twitternet
150 Women parolees [May Subd Geog] [sp2015000799](C)
550 BT Parolees
Yes, let them out! And then describe them...?