Highlights from the December 2015 SACO editorial meeting and LCSH monthly list.
SACO, emphases theirs
Alumni associations The proposal listed several works about alumni associations, but they all appear to be about associations associated with a college or university. The heading Universities and colleges—Alumni and alumnae—Societies, etc. should be assigned. The proposal was not necessary.
Is "societies" a logical synonym for "associations"? Thanks for "and alumnae" though.
There were several headings proposed with a warrant in not English, and "the meeting" was like, can you give that to us in English, please? (except not a request)
LCSH, emphases mine
Genre/Form Terms | Demographic Group Terms
150 Administrative assistants [dp2015060465]
072 occ
680 People employed to perform administrative duties. For people who manage correspondence and routine work for a superior see Secretaries.
681 Note under Secretaries
150 Bards [dp2015060624]
072 occ
Bard Tracy Chapman via Wikimedia Commons
If you do an image search for < bards > you get a lot of historical white dudes. < female bards > garners buxom cartoon lady bards.
150 Blacks [dp2015060859]
072 eth
550 RT African Americans
150 Catholic school students [dp2015060721]
072 soc
450 UF Students, Catholic school etc.
This is all about the 072, which I need to learn more about!