This is possibly the cutest graphic autobiography I've ever read. Cece Bell (color by David Lasky! exclamation point because he was so good to the zine librarians at our first unconference) becomes deaf at age four due to meningitis. It's baffling at first because of the whole being four thing.
There's a lot to adjust to, even after the diagnosis is made--hearing aids, deaf kids, hearing kids, lip reading, and navigating school and friendships with Phonic Ear wires dangling down her face and into their pouch tucked under her overalls bib.
Though young Cece is deaf, and that's a big part of her coming-of-age, this book is as much about her BFF and her middle school crush as it is about living with a disability.
For extra adorableness, Bell depicts her characters as bunnies.
Erin Fae (not verified)
Mon, 11/09/2015 - 4:35pm
As a deafish person, i have
As a deafish person, i have to say this book is perfect. The way she describes dealing with mis-hearings towards the beginning of the book felt so true to my own experience. I loved this.
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:14am
Hi Erin!
Hi Erin!