150 Alaska Natives [May Subd Geog] [sp2009007114]
680 Here are entered works on the indigenous peoples of Alaska treated collectively. Works about individual cultures and tribes in Alaska are entered under the name of the culture or tribe subdivided geographically, e.g. Aleuts Alaska; Eskimos Alaska.
450 UF Indigenous peoples—Alaska
450 UF Indigenous peoples—United States
450 UF Native Alaskans
550 BT Ethnology—Alaska
681 Notes under Aleuts Alaska; Eskimos Alaska
Yea or nay, people? I'm inclined not to mind this umbrella term, but I'm concerned about using ESKIMOS for what I would think might better be INUITS.
(C) 150 Latex garments—Erotic aspects [May Subd Geog] [sp2009007035]
550 BT Erotica
In case you were wondering, there are no books currently cataloged just as LATEX GARMENTS (without the subdivision). The other subdivision currently in use for LATEX GARMENTS is CLEANING. Term SACOd by the Leather Archives & Museum. I'm guessing they'd qualify as gay cataloging mafia.
* 150 Steel, Stainless CANCEL
(A) 150 Stainless steel [sp 85127793]
053 TA479.S7 (Engineering materials)
450 UF Steel, Stainless [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
550 BT Chrome nickel steel
550 BT Corrosion resistant alloys
550 BT Steel alloys
Seems like a reasonable re-reversal.
(C) 150 Tariff on beef [May Subd Geog] [sp2009006999]
450 UF Beef—Tariff
450 UF Tariff on beef cattle
This is weird; it's from pages 3 and 6 of a 1979 pamphlet. But the real news is, permanent links from the LC catalog!
rather be in AK (not verified)
Tue, 08/25/2009 - 8:00pm
Alaska Native is tricky. I
Alaska Native is tricky. I agree with you in that I'm not okay with "Eskimo." Inuit and Yup'ik are not synonymous, but both peoples are usually labeled "Eskimo." So tread carefully, LC (not going to make all the obvious puns).