It's Firefox tab closing time once again, so here are the first three of a bunch of sites I've been looking at:
Theater of Note
This is a theater company where a lot of my friends from college make their art. The current show, Titus Andronicus, stars my friend Danny Mailley, and other company members from my alma mater include: Jennifer Ann Evans, Laura Finnegan, Monroe Makowsky, Kiff Scholl, and Richard Werner. (There may be others that I don't recognize because they were before or after my time or because it's been a long time.) I can't remember what show I saw there a lot of years ago, but it was spectacular. I'm a big theater snob, and I don't say things like that lightly. Maybe Laura or Rich knows??
Kristen Connors
This is another college friend who is making her theatrical fortunes in LA. She's got some other stuff going on, too, like providing clutter busting "hip tips." Is she adorable, or what?
Susan Brennan
Sue Bee was one of the best actors at SUNY NP, so it's kind of unfair that she's also a genius poet. This is the site for her internet radio show.
If y'all know of other SUNY NP theater grads from my day with websites or projects, please let me know.