This is the first ALA conference ARC* I actually read, rather than passed on to my neighbors via the folding table in my building's laundry room. When will I learn about ALA ARCs? Temi Oh's multi-narrative novel is set in a parallel timeline when space travel is more advanced than in our reality. The protagonists are the teen crew of a ship bound for a human-habitable planet in another solar system (dual sun!). They've been training since adolescence and are accompanying four senior astronauts to this Terra-Two. It's a multiracial/ethnic group, mostly from the UK, but the senior engineer is a USSR defector. I guess the USSR is still a thing in this version of the world?
It's a compelling read of over 500 pages, and I'm hoping for a sequel or other works by the neuroscientist-turned-novelist Oh.
*American Librarian Association, Advance Reader Copy