The idea here was to sort out how we use all of the different online resources we've created and will create, including, but not limited to
- ZineWiki
-, our shared WordPress blog
- Zine Librarians discussion list
- We Make Zines Zine Librarians group, ning (special interest social networking site)
- union catalog
Discussion points, bulleted because writing up all these damned notes is taking way too much time
- Why hasn't taken? Only a few of us have ever commented on it, much less posted anything.
- Not enough time?
- Wordpress search isn't so hot
- Yahoogroup--email on the way out? New round of intros? Everyone write a bio on Static page vs. individual posts? Or do that on zinewiki? But zinewiki could get too cluttered. [We later decided everyone should make a profile page on We Make Zines, so get to it!]
- Should we create a central fund for zine library projects?
- But libraries couldn't donate unless it was official?
- We could get an umbrella org? ABC No Rio? IPRC? Lily works for an umbrella nonprofit (called, I believe, Umbrella) and so will look into this for us.
- What would the money be for?
- For projects (union catalog), conferences, labor, domain fees, or possibly an emergency fund for helping out a zine library in trouble, like we thought that Aboveground in NOLA was after Katrina
- Next year's conference
- Zine Yearbook, since Microcosm doesn't seem to want to do it again next year
- Clint is interested, but probably doesn't have enough of a reliable local crew to pull it off
- Could we do geographically dispersedly, perhaps sections edited separately, by content type?
- Maybe do it every other year?
- Clint has a friend with a small press
- Publish it via Lulu?
- AK Press (or PM Press?) would probably distribute, but not publish it
- Central receiving, distribute to individual editors
- IPRC as publisher?
- Zine Librarians list: best current awareness tool--encourage people to post their projects
- Edit yahoogroup signature to include info on
- publish a donate list (I am interested in), put on profile whether you ILL [I think we decided this should go on We Make Zines instead, as well, but maybe it shouldn't]
- Wordpress blog and wiki that talk to each other
- Zinecat on ZineWiki--list of holdings that would link to the ZineWiki entry
- Create a form for zine cataloging, one per zine in a stack of 10--do it on paper and then the librarian does the input
- Cataloging parties, keep it social, provide food