Check out our first online only zine reviews column in Library Journal. This column is dedicated to long-running serial zines. Included are Brainscan, Doris, The East Village Inky, Fish with Legs, and Ker-bloom!
From my introduction to the column, "Librarians often mistakenly group all zines with serials, perhaps because the word zine derives from magazine (either directly or with a stop on fanzine). While many zines are what are referred to as one-offs or their issues have distinct enough titles and focuses to warrant cataloging them as monographs, we thought it might be nice to dedicate one column to serial zines. The five reviewed zine series have at least ten issues, which is a significant accomplishment given the ephemeral nature of zines and the transitory state of many of their authors. We only selected zines that have issued no threat of stopping publishing or of moving to an online format."
Thanks to Abigail Bass, Adam Davis, Aliqae Geraci, Julie Bartel, and Kelly Wooten for contributing reviews.
Andrew Culture ... (not verified)
Fri, 03/06/2009 - 3:17pm
I'm just amazed that a
I'm just amazed that a public library carries zines, that's beyond amazing.