The second Library Journal zine reviews column is up. In it Miriam DesHarnais of the Baltimore County Public Library Zine Collection reviews comics zines, aka "mini-comics" or "minicomics."
I'm a little concerned that the review of spectacular Dvorak Zine is a little fucked up due to my poor editing. So Sorry Alec, Frunch, and GCB. The review Miriam originally turned in was about Dvorak, but also another of Alec Longstreth's awesome projects, Phase 7. I didn't understand that at first, and then even after I did, and we separated things out, I didn't really read it again as a clean new review. Thus we short-shrifted Frunch and GCB and basically didn't get to the zine we were reviewing until halfway into the review. Annoying--and all my fault. Sorry also to Miriam and to Anna, the LJ editor.
Miriam (not verified)
Thu, 05/08/2008 - 12:28am
I think it's all good and
I think it's all good and not that confusing after all. no worries!
Thu, 05/08/2008 - 12:32pm
Well, that's a relief!
Well, that's a relief! Thanks, Miriam.