I wrote a four part article for Library Journal's Academic Newswire. The introduction and first part came out today. In the series, I interview several librarians who have been working in librarianship for 20+ years about the present and future of academic libraries.
Here's the first paragraph of the intro:
After reading Scott Carlson's article, "Young Libarians, Talkin' Bout Their Generation" in The Chronicle of Higher Education (10/19/07), I got to wondering what more experienced librarians would have to say on the same and additional questions. As a member of Generation X, a bridge generation, I am jazzed by what the Millennials are up to, but also sympathetic to mindset of the Baby Boomers. Perhaps because I read a lot of library blogs, it seems to me that the younger-than-mes are actually doing pretty well for themselves as far as getting their thoughts out there.