Large breasted women of the world--you now have your own subject heading, thanks to Sandy Berman who wrote to LC after seeing my complaint about BREAST--SOCIAL ASPECTS as an inadequate term for cataloging a zine about a woman with large breasts.
150 Breast [sp 85016677]
* 550 RT Large-breasted women
150 Large-breasted women [May Subd Geog] [sp2008000039]
450 UF Big-breasted women
550 BT Women
550 RT Breast
At least I assume this came from Sandy, to whom I sent my Lower East Side Librarian Winter Solstice Shout Out 2007 zine that listed all my zine cataloging difficulties of the year, who then sent LC a list of proposed subject changes along with the pages from LESL.
The zine that prompted this was Boobs Boobs, the Musical Fruit by Rachel Pee-Hillips. (Search by author or title in CLIO to see the whole record. Look at the full view to read the abstract.) It's also in WorldCat.
If it wasn't Sandy that pressured LC, maybe they read the Boston Globe article that also pointed out the goofy BREASTS--SOCIAL ASPECTS.
Also related, I don't think I've posted here the subject headings I do use for the Barnard zines. It's not complete or anything. I thought of keeping track well after I started doing the cataloging.
Finally, if you're in the 'hood, consider attending a Library of Congress Subject Heading suggestion letter (email?) writing event organized by Radical Reference. It will probably be Sunday April 27, from 4-6pm at ABC No Rio.
Wed, 02/06/2008 - 4:58pm
Now I know it's gotta be my
Now I know it's gotta be my list because another of my complaints is dealt with:
150 Likes and dislikes [May Subd Geog] [sp2008000040]
450 UF Dislikes and likes
550 RT Individuality
550 RT Interest (Psychology)
This is to be applied particularly to list zines like Likes/Dislikes by Lacey Prpic Hedtke. Also searchable in CLIO.
And here is a DENIED:
150 Prostitutes [May Subd Geog] [sp 85107622]
* 450 UF Sex workers (Prostitutes)
I wanted a SEX WORKERS term, not just a cross reference.
Small-breasted woman (not verified)
Thu, 02/07/2008 - 10:36am
The link to the Globe
The link to the Globe article is broken, and if I wasn't at work, I'd try searching for it, but, you know, breasts are the forbidden fruit. Well, congratulations. I do hope there's a "Flat-chesten women" subject heading!
Thu, 02/07/2008 - 12:56pm
Thanks. I fixed the link.
Thanks. I fixed the link.
And we'll have to work on fixing LC's discrimination against small-breasted women!