The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the month for Month 1, January 22, 2013 are:
150 Closet drama [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012004335] (C)
450 UF Closet plays
550 BT Drama
680 Here are entered works on plays written to be read rather than performed on stage.
Microsoft criticizes that the scope note for being written in passive voice. I wish it had a subordinate clause that indicated that the SH is not about crises related to revealing one's sexual identity, nor about not having a thing to wear.
150 Color in knitting [sp2012004520] (C)
550 BT Knitting
Warrant, in case you were wondering: Colorwork for Adventurous Knitters: Master the Art of Knitting Stripes, Slipstitch, Intarsia, and Stranded Colorwork Through Easy Step-by-step Instruction and Fun Projects, proposed by Cooperative Computer Services, a library consortium in Illinois.
150 Distracted walking [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004025] (C)
450 UF Inattentive walking
450 UF Walking while distracted
550 BT Walking
680 Here are entered works on walking while engaging in an activity that takes attention away from walking.
No RT for Text messaging (Cell phone systems)?!? That reminds me, the other day a guy texting while walking with an open umbrella nearly knocked into me.
150 Love on television [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012004559] (A)
550 BT Television
Warrant is Queer love in film and television : critical essays
150 Meatmaster sheep [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004381]
550 BT Sheep breeds
150 Narrow operators [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004275] (A)
053 QA329.5
450 UF Operators, Narrow
550 BT Operator theory
Warrant is Narrow operators on function spaces and vector lattices. That's hott.
150 Optimism in older people [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004024] (C)
053 BF724.85.O68
550 BT Older people—Psychology
Work cat: West, M.R. The effect of optimism on the relationship between religiosity and spirituality among elderly Christians, 2011: p. 57 (Older people who are more optimistic invariably have lower levels of depressive symptomatology, as evidenced in both the present findings and previous research).
150 Spoken word poetry [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012004481] (C)
450 UF Spoken word poems
550 BT Poetry
680 Here are entered works on poems that are meant to be performed and that are heavily stressed, metrically regular, and are characterized by improvization, free association, and word play. Works on poems that are meant to be performed that emphasize sounds instead of semantics for their meaning are entered under Sound poetry.
681 Note under Sound poetry
150 Tea trays [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004253] (C)
450 UF Boards, Tea
I have not yet needed this heading to catalog a zine, but I can see it happening.
CC licensed photo by jennlynndesign
150 Yarmulkes [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004161] (C)
450 UF Ḳipot
450 UF Kippahs
450 UF Kippas
450 UF Kippot
450 UF Skullcaps (Yarmulkes)
450 UF Yamakas
450 UF Yarmelkes
450 UF Yarmulkas
550 BT Caps (Headgear)
550 BT Jewish clothing and dress
How is this just happening now? Maybe they've been fighting over the preferred spelling for the last hundred or so years.
CC licensed photo by Avital Pinnick