The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the month for Month 9, September 17, 2012 are:
150 Abecedariuses [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012002802] (C)
450 UF Abecedarian acrostics
450 UF Abecedarian poems
450 UF Abecedarian poetry
450 UF Abecedarii
550 BT Acrostics
550 BT Poetry
But they don't have Abecedaries. Weird.
150 Animal behavior--Climatic factors [May Subd Geog] [sp2012002808] (C)
360 SA subdivision Behavior--Climatic factors under individual animals and groups of animals, e.g. Fishes--Behavior--Climatic factors
450 UF Animal behavior--Effect of climate on
550 BT Bioclimatology
550 BT Climatic changes--Environmental aspects
In case you were wondering, my cats seemed utterly unaffected by tropical storm Sandy, and I think during the blackout they were amused by my inferior night vision.
150 Climatology in mass media [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012002904] (C)
550 BT Mass media
SEE ALSO Crying wolf enough that no one believes you when there is an actual superstorm coming to eat your electricity.
150 Comic books, strips, etc.--Jewish influences [sp2012002620] (C)
550 BT Jews—Civilization
150 Household archaeology [May Subd Geog] [sp2012002932] (A)
550 BT Social archaeology
Not only does this heading exist, it subdivides Household archaeology--Middle East--Congresses.
150 Lesser butterfly orchid [May Subd Geog] [sp2012002844] (C)
053 QK495.O64 (Botany)
450 UF Butterfly orchid, Lesser
450 UF Gymnadenia bifolia
450 UF Habernaria bifolia
450 UF Lysias bifolia
450 UF Orchis bifolia
450 UF Platanthera bifolia
450 UF Satyrium bifolium
450 UF Sieberia bifolia
550 BT Platanthera
Why they gotta be judgy with descriptors like "lesser"?
CC licensed photo by Apollonio Tottoli
150 Pornographic films [May Subd Geog] [sp2009000144] (C)
450 UF Porn films ADD FIELD
450 UF Sex films (Pornographic films) ADD FIELD
680 When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical and/or form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about pornographic films. DELETE FIELD
680 When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about pornographic films. ADD FIELD
Insert joke about member of Congress being unable to define porn, but knowing it when they see it.
Also, what is the difference between the two 680s?!?
150 Radicalism and the press [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003163] (A)
450 UF Press and radicalism
550 BT Press
Notice they say "the press," not "the media."
Adam Schiff (not verified)
Wed, 11/28/2012 - 2:12am
The difference is the comma
The difference is the comma after the word "topical". :)