The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the month for Month 12, December 17, 2012 are:
150 Bobby pins [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003991] (C)
450 UF Grips (Hairpins)
450 UF Hair-grips
450 UF Kirby-grips
550 BT Hairpins
Gratuitous cat photo from Jenkat Games
150 Butch and femme (Lesbian culture) [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003858] (C)
450 UF Butch-fem (Lesbian culture)
450 UF Butch-femme (Lesbian culture)
450 UF Femme-butch (Lesbian culture)
450 UF Femme and butch (Lesbian culture)
550 BT Lesbian culture
680 Here are entered works on lesbians who assume a masculine or feminine identity or role, which may be manifested in manner or appearance.
As you may recall, I've been agitating, on behalf of the many butch or femme zines I catalog for a similar heading and that Gay Cataloging Mafioso Adam Schiff proposed Butch/Femme (Gender Identity) last year only to have it rejected.
This month some nice cataloger at Cornell University, proposed a Butch/Femme heading that was deemed acceptable to the nice folks at SACO. Some of the warrants listed, including the first one, are about sexuality and erotica. Two of the other warrants acknowledge that the concepts of butch and femme are nearly 100 years old. Unfortunately they do all reference lesbians/lesbianism, which is the part of the heading I'm not crazy about. Many of the zines in the Barnard collection that discuss butch and femme identity are by people who do not identify as lesbians or even necessarily as women.
That doesn't mean I won't use the heading. I already have!
150 Circumcision [May Subd Geog] [sp 85026074 ] (C)
450 UF Amputation, Foreskin ADD FIELD
450 UF Foreskin amputation ADD FIELD
450 UF Foreskin removal ADD FIELD
450 UF Removal of foreskin ADD FIELD
550 BT Penis--Surgery DELETE FIELD
550 BT Body marking ADD FIELD
550 BT Foreskin--Surgery ADD FIELD
These changes are so political, not that I disagree with them. I love that they're relating circumcision to amputation.
150 Clitoridectomy [May Subd Geog] [sp 85027085 ]
450 UF Clitorectomy ADD FIELD
150 Female circumcision [May Subd Geog] [sp 93002781 ] (C)
450 UF Female genital modifications DELETE FIELD
450 UF Female genital modification ADD FIELD
450 UF Genital cutting, Female ADD FIELD
550 RT Infibulation DELETE FIELD
550 BT Body marking ADD FIELD
I wonder why female circumcision isn't related to amputation, too?
150 Cowpunk music [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003694] (C)
450 UF Country punk rock music
450 UF Cow punk music
550 BT Country music
550 BT Punk rock music
To my memory I haven't yet had cause to describe a cowpunk zine. I hope that I will someday soon!
photo by bigeoino
150 Forced abortion [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004097] (C)
450 UF Compulsory abortion
550 BT Abortion
550 BT Involuntary treatment
680 Here are entered works on abortion performed without the consent of the pregnant woman or her medical proxy.
I hope I don't have reason to employ this heading anytime soon.
150 Frilled shark [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004166] (A)
053 QL638.95.C4 (Zoology)
450 UF Chlamydoselachus anguineus
450 UF Didymodus anguineus
450 UF Frill shark
450 UF Lizard shark
450 UF Scaffold shark
550 BT Chlamydoselachus
Talk about a butch femme:
via Isn't she pretty?
150 Losers in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012003651] (C)
Harsh! The warrant is an Italian book Belli e perdenti : antieroi e post-eroi nella narrativa contemporanea di lingua inglese
150 Prejudices in popular culture [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003856] (C)
550 BT Popular culture
680 Here are entered works on the depiction of prejudice in popular culture.
That scope note helps a lot, eh? Still, could be a useful heading.
150 Presidential candidates' spouses [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003998]
550 BT Spouses
As in, presidential candidates aren't always heterosexual dudes. They are, however, always married.
150 Vulnerability (Personality trait) [May Subd Geog] [sp2012004128] (A)
550 BT Personality
Aww! The warrant is Reel vulnerability : power, pain, and gender in contemporary American film and television.
150 Wisdom in the Bible [sp2012004044] (C)
The Bible. We've been over this before, LC!
There are other juicy headings this month, including eleven more on Turkish roads and Pear became Pears.
Two headings that were rejected this month:
African-centered education
In LCSH, works on the study of a subject are generally assigned headings of the type [topic]--Study and teaching. For this work, the headings Africa--Study and teaching and/or Africa—Civilization--Study and teaching may be assigned. The proposal was not approved.
Closeted lesbians
Since the concept of being "in the closet" is the same for gay men and lesbians, the meeting prefers not to have separate headings for closeted lesbians and closeted gays in general. Instead, the existing headings Closeted gays and Lesbians should be post-coordinated for the work being cataloged. The proposal was not approved.