The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the month for Month 11, November 19, 2012 are:
150 Body area networks (Electronics) [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003692] (A)
053 TK5103.35
450 UF BANs (Body area networks)
450 UF WBANs (Wireless body area networks)
450 UF Wireless body area networks (Electronics)
550 BT Wireless sensor networks
150 Bondage (Sexual behavior) in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012003461] (A)
CC licensed photo by NiceBastard
150 Dentists--Complaints against [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003756] (C)
450 UF Complaints against dentists
How timely! I think lots of people are irritated by at least one dentist right now.
100 Ferret family [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012003348] (C)
CC licensed photo by Mehgan Murphy, Smithsonian's National Zoo
150 Magical correspondences [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003769] (A)
053 BF1623.C7
450 UF Correspondences, Magical
550 BT Occultism
Photo from the LDS Parents of Gay Children blog, because yowza
150 Muslim college students [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003833] (C)
450 UF Islamic college students
550 BT College students
550 BT Muslim students
Yes please. How about Muslim women college students, too? I have at least one zine to apply it to: Letters forged by the daughter putting on her scarf in a Masjid parking lot
150 Nuns as nurses [May Subd Geog] [sp2012002709] (C)
450 UF Sister nurses
550 BT Nurses
SACO must be watching Call the Midwife, too.
150 Pysanky in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012003672]
That means Ukrainian eggs. I didn't know either.
Photo by Nancy Rose via Getty Images
150 Sloth bear [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003518] (A)
053 QL737.C27 (Zoology)
450 UF Melursus ursinus
550 BT Melursus
So cute! It looks like a sloth and a bear, and also a dog.
CC licensed photo by Kim
150 Transgender artists [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003841] (C)
550 BT Artists
Warrant: Up from the Depths: Triggered! By Georgette Freeman