The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the month for Month 10, October 15, 2012 are:
150 Animal droppings [May Subd Geog] [sp2007010638] (C)
360 SA subdivision Feces under individual animals and groups of animals, e.g. Fishes--Feces ADD FIELD
450 UF Animal dung DELETE FIELD
450 UF Animal scat DELETE FIELD
450 UF Animal scats DELETE FIELD
450 UF Scat, Animal DELETE FIELD
450 UF Scats, Animal DELETE FIELD
450 UF Animal fecal pellets ADD FIELD
450 UF Fecal pellets, Animal ADD FIELD
450 UF Pellets, Animal fecal ADD FIELD
For the scatologically inclined, of which I am one.
150 Duffel bags [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003454] (C)
450 UF Bags, Duffel
450 UF Bags, Duffle
450 UF Duffle bags
450 UF Seabags
550 BT Bags
150 Fishes--Feces [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003336] (C)
450 UF Fish feces
681 Example under Animal droppings
150 Jockstraps [May Subd Geog] [sp2012001611] (C)
450 UF Athletic supporters (Men's underwear)
450 UF Jock-straps
450 UF Jockey straps
450 UF Supporters, Athletic (Men's underwear)
550 BT Athletics--Equipment and supplies
550 BT Men's underwear
150 Longtailed mealybug [May Subd Geog] [sp2012003329] (C)
053 QL527.P83 (Zoology)
450 UF Boisduvalia lauri
450 UF Coccus adonidum
450 UF Coccus laurinus
450 UF Dactylopius adonidum
450 UF Dactylopius hoyae
450 UF Dactylopius longifilis
450 UF Dactylopius longispinous
450 UF Dactylopius longispinus
450 UF Dactylopius pteridis
450 UF Long tailed mealybug
450 UF Oudablis lauri
450 UF Pseudococcus adonidum
450 UF Pseudococcus hoyea
450 UF Pseudococcus laurinus
450 UF Pseudococcus longispinus
550 BT Pseudococcus
150 Manicure scissors [May Subd Geog] [sp2012001492] (C)
450 UF Cuticle scissors
450 UF Nail scissors
550 BT Manicuring--Equipment and supplies
550 BT Scissors and shears
Warrants include US Holocaust Memorial Museum catalog, 6 Apr. 2012 (hdg.: Manicure scissors) and Excalibur Cutlery
150 Menstruation in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012003304] (A)
053 PN1995.9.M4618
550 BT Motion pictures
150 Menstruation on television [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012003305] (A)
550 BT Television
150 Pollution in literature [Not Subd Geog] [sp2012001057]
Please tell me the warrant was Fifty Shades of Grey. (I'm not really a reading snob like that, but FSoG does strike me as something I couldn't force myself through.)
150 Sexism in engineering [May Subd Geog] [sp2012000707] (C)
550 BT Engineering
You know what's weird? lists 35 Sexism in… headings and 48 Sex discrimination in…" headings. The scope note for Sexism reads, "Here are entered works on sexism as an attitude as well as works on attitude and overt discriminatory behavior. Works dealing solely with discriminatory behavior directed toward both of the sexes are entered under [Sex discrimination.]"
Not for nothing but "discriminatory behavior directed toward both of the sexes"? Uh, yeah. Most discrimination is against "both" sexes (as if there were only two).