The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the Week for Week 4, January 26, 2011 are:
(C) 150 Catastrophizing [May Subd Geog] [sp2010015276]
550 BT Expectation (Psychology)
550 BT Worry
(A,C) 150 Fuzzybeans [May Subd Geog] [sp2005005243]
053 QK495.L52 (Botany)
450 UF Fuzzy beans
450 UF Strophostyles
450 UF Wild beans
450 UF Wildbeans
550 BT Legumes
(A,C) 150 Trailing fuzzybean [May Subd Geog] [sp2005005245]
053 QK495.L52 (Botany)
450 UF Amberique‑bean
450 UF Annual wooly‑bean
450 UF Phaseolus diversifolius
450 UF Phaseolus helvolus
450 UF Strophostyles helvula
450 UF Trailing fuzzy‑bean
450 UF Trailing wild bean
450 UF Trailing wildbean
450 UF Wooly‑bean, Annual
550 BT Fuzzybean