The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the Week for Week 11, March 16, 2011 are:
150 Energy security [May Subd Geog] [sp2011000797]
680 Here are entered works on physical and economic access to adequate energy.
450 UF Energy dependence
450 UF Energy independence
450 UF Energy insecurity
450 UF Security, Energy
550 BT Energy policy
This heading makes me feel insecure. No joke.
(C) 150 Microblogs [May Subd Geog] [sp2011000813]
450 UF Microblogging
450 UF Tumblelogging
450 UF Tumblelogs
450 UF Tweeting (Microblogs)
450 UF Tweets (Microblogs)
550 BT Blogs
550 RT Instant messaging
550 RT Social networks
I have no objection to this heading, which will no doubt be useful, but it irks the hell out of me that LC is relatively quick to adopt technology headings, when it seems to deem concepts like Butch and Femme too new, marginal, or unstable to be established. I bet there are more butches and femmes in the world than microbloggers, and I bet they'll be around a lot longer than Twitter.
(C) 150 Musky rat‑kangaroos [May Subd Geog] [sp2011000758]
053 QL737.M348 (Zoology)
450 UF Hypsiprymnodon
450 UF Kangaroos, Musky rat‑
450 UF Rat‑kangaroos, Musky
550 BT Hypsiprymnodontidae