The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Headings of the Week for Week 48, December, 2010 are:
(A,C) 150 African American lesbians in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2009008111]
550 BT Motion pictures
I'm down with "African-American lesbians," but c'mon LC, you finally left cookery behind, isn't it time to do the same with "motion pictures"?
* 150 Discrimination against transgender people CANCEL
(C) 150 Transphobia [May Subd Geog] [sp2010012303]
450 UF Discrimination against transgender people [EARLIER FORM OF HEADING]
450 UF Transgender discrimination
450 UF Transprejudice
550 BT Discrimination
550 BT Phobias
(C) 150 Transgender people—Violence against [May Subd Geog] [sp2010014446]
450 UF Transphobic violence
There was a complaint about this change on the Radical Cataloging list:
"Why is a plain, informative term being changed to something no one would usefor searching? Transphobia? Really? Discrimination against transgender people does not equate to a "persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous", or even "a strong fear, dislike, or aversion" (American Heritage Dictionary). And yes, the term homophobia is wrong for the same reason. One does not have to fear or dislike someone to discriminate against them."
Holly Hill, who subscribes to the list from a .mil address! (reposted here with permission)
150 Fish communities [May Subd Geog] [sp 95003207]
* 550 BT Fishes—Ecology
photo by Joshua Bloom via Wikimedia Commons
(A) 150 Mixed reality [May Subd Geog] [sp2010014466]
450 UF MR (Mixed reality)
550 BT Virtual reality
If ever a scope note was needed…
(C) 150 Police services for sexual minorities [May Subd Geog] [sp2010014461]
450 UF Police social work with sexual minorities
550 BT Sexual minorities
Where to begin with this one…?
(C) 150 Strong Vocational Interest Blank [May Subd Geog] [sp2010014351]
450 UF SII (Strong Interest Inventory)
450 UF Strong Blank
450 UF Strong Interest Inventory
450 UF SVIB (Strong Vocational Interest Blank)
550 BT Vocational interests—Testing
Who knew?