The Lower East Side Librarian Library of Congress Subject Heading of the Week for Week 18, May 5, 2010 is:
I was hoping for something Cinco de Mayo ish, given the date of week 18, but this batch of cross reference changes to LIBRARY SCIENCE is as geekarrifically delicious as an authentic vegan burrito.
150 Library science [May Subd Geog] [sp 85076723]
* 450 UF Libraries—Administration CANCEL
* 450 UF Libraries—Organization CANCEL
* 550 BT Documentation CANCEL
* 550 BT Information science CANCEL
* 550 RT Documentation
* 550 RT Information science
So…LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION and ORGANIZATION are no longer Used For LIBRARY SCIENCE. And DOCUMENTATION and INFORMATION SCIENCE (along with BIBLIOGRAPHY) are Related, rather than Broader terms. Related only. Info science now gets its own umbrella. I blame the iSchools.
In case you're curious, and how could you not be, there are a bunch of Narrower Terms, as well:
Art museum librarianship [proposed]
Classification--Books--Library science.
Collectanea files
Communication in library science.
Comparative librarianship.
International librarianship.
Medical librarianship.
Mentoring in library science.
Minorities in library science
Music librarianship.
Open and closed shelves.
Proposal writing in library science
Public services (Libraries)
Rare book librarianship
Reclassification (Libraries)
Serials librarianship.
Team librarianship
Technical services (Libraries)
Theater librarianship
Web librarianship
Women in library science.
Runner up, because as always I ♥ me some creatures with silly names.
(C) 150 Shortnose sucker [May Subd Geog] [sp2010006231]
053 QL638.C27 (Zoology)
450 UF Chasmistes brevirostris
450 UF Short nose sucker
550 BT Chasmistes