LCSH Week 46, November 18, 2009
This week on LCSH Watch:
(C) 150 Bluejoint reedgrass [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008854]
053 QK495.G74 (Botany)
450 UF Bluejoint, Canada
450 UF Bluejoint reed grass
450 UF Calamagrostis canadensis
450 UF Canada bluejoint
450 UF Canada reed grass
450 UF Canadian reedgrass
450 UF Marsh pinegrass
450 UF Marsh reedgrass
450 UF Pinegrass, Marsh
450 UF Reed grass, Bluejoint
450 UF Reed grass, Canada
450 UF Reedgrass, Bluejoint
450 UF Reedgrass, Canadian
450 UF Reedgrass, Marsh
550 BT Calamagrostis
1. I love multiple cross-references. 2. BlueJOINT reedGRASS.
150 Cod Wars, Iceland, 1958-1976 [sp2009009057]
450 UF Anglo Icelandic Cod Wars, 1958 1976
450 UF Codfish Wars, Iceland, 1958 1976
551 BT Great Britain—History—Elizabeth, II, 1952
551 BT Iceland—History—1945
This entry is dedicated to the fine folks at the Library Society of the World.
(C) 150 Cookery (Champagne) [May Subd Geog] [sp2009009022]
550 BT Cookery (Wine)
550 RT Champagne (Wine)
Cookery lives on!
(C) 150 Denial of service attacks [May Subd Geog] [sp2009009013]
450 UF DDoS attacks
450 UF Distributed denial of service attacks
450 UF DoS attacks
550 BT Cyberterrorism
The warrant is a thesis and two online pedias. I was hoping for a 670 that said, "We got hacked!"
(C) 150 Fragmented industries [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008564]
550 BT Industries
The warrants basically define fragmented industries as those which aren't dominated by one company. Does it seem weird to anyone else that an industry that is not dominated by a major company, and is therefore competitive—that's what's supposed to be good about capitalism, right?—is seen as fragmented, or broken?
(C) 150 Great snipe [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008562]
053 QL696.C48 (Zoology)
450 UF Capella media
450 UF Double snipe
450 UF Gallinago major
450 UF Gallinago media
450 UF Greater snipe
550 BT Gallinago
What's next, Major snark?
(C) 150 Lesser white fronted goose [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008558]
450 UF Anas erythropus
450 UF Anser erythropus
450 UF Lesser whitefronted goose
450 UF Peeping goose
450 UF Squeaking goose
450 UF White fronted goose, Lesser
550 BT Anser
(C) 150 Sewage—Purification—Selenium removal [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008949]
450 UF Deselenization of sewage
450 UF Selenium removal (Sewage purification)
450 UF Sewage—Deselenization
550 BT Selenium
Purifying sewage. Yeah.
(C) 150 Team Orientation and Behavior Inventory [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008565]
450 UF TOBI (Team Orientation and Behavior Inventory)
550 BT Teams in the workplace—Evaluation
Doesn't this business speak make you want to puke?
(C) 150 Wine coolers [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008946]
450 UF Coolers, Wine
550 BT Wine and wine making
Do they still have wine coolers? Did someone write a book about them?!? The answer is yeah, but 50 years ago. The warrant is the 1960 Summer Wine Coolers, which I might argue is something else entirely. Not at all Bartles & Jaymes.