150 Bowed stringed instrument players [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008195]
053 ML398 (Collective biography)
680 Here are entered works about performers on various bowed stringed instruments.
Works about performers on individual bowed stringed instruments are entered under
headings such as Violinists; Violoncellists.
450 UF Bowed string instrument players
450 UF Bowed string players
450 UF String instrument players
450 UF String players
550 BT Stringed instrument players
150 Plucked instrument players [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008194]
680 Here are entered works about performers on various plucked stringed instruments.
Works about performers on individual plucked stringed instruments are entered under
headings such as Guitarists; Harpists.
550 BT Stringed instrument players
BOWED STRINGED INSTRUMENT PLAYERS and PLUCKED INSTRUMENT PLAYERS sound a little ignominious, as if the adjectives refer to the player, not the instrument, eh?
150 Cookery (Lotus) [May Subd Geog] [sp2008009787]
053 TX814.5.L68
550 BT Cookery (Vegetables)
550 RT Lotus
I thought they were finally doing away with COOKERY! I see now they're still in the thinking about it phase.
150 Husband and wife [May Subd Geog] [sp 85063204]
* 681 Note under Married women Legal status, laws, etc.
* 681 Notes under Husbands; Married women Legal status, laws, etc. CANCEL
150 Husbands [May Subd Geog] [sp 85063215]
* 680 Here are entered works on husbands as individuals, and their relationship with their spouses. General works on married men discussed collectively are entered under Married men.
* 680 Here are entered works on husbands in general. Works on legal relations between husband and wife are entered under the heading Husband and wife. CANCEL
* 450 UF Married men CANCEL
* 550 RT Married men
* 681 Note under Married men
150 Married men [May Subd Geog] [sp2009008142]
680 Here are entered general works on married men discussed collectively. Works on husbands as individuals, and their relationship with their spouses, are entered under Husbands.
550 BT Married people
550 BT Men
550 RT Husbands
681 Note under Husbands
Way to modernize and gender neutralize, LC!
150 Library education [May Subd Geog] [sp 85076684]
* 450 UF Education for librarianship CANCEL
* 450 UF Librarians—Education
* 450 UF Librarians—Training of CANCEL
* 450 UF Librarians, Education of CANCEL
* 450 UF Librarians, Training of CANCEL
* 450 UF Library school education CANCEL
* 550 BT Education, Higher CANCEL
There are undergrad degrees in library science, so I'd kind of like to see another UF, like LIBRARY EMPLOYEES—EDUCATION.
en dasher (not verified)
Thu, 10/15/2009 - 9:26am
I agree about the PLUCKED
I agree about the PLUCKED INSTRUMENT PLAYERS and BOWED STRINGED INSTRUMENT PLAYERS and would like to lobby for the use of an en dash or two: PLUCKED–INSTRUMENT PLAYERS vs. PLUCKED INSTRUMENT–PLAYERS. It makes me conjure up an image of a poor banjo-playing chicken being plucked by an evil farmer.