Library of Congress Subject Headings Weekly Lists Week 26, Week 27, and Week 28: FILMS vs. MOTION PICTURES, SUBD GEOG vs. NOT, DANDIES and DANDYISM, and activist cataloging...brought to you by T (THE LETTER).
(C) 150 Anger in the Bible [sp2008003530]
The warrant is Holy anger : Jacob, Job, Jesus, if you're curious, like I was. This little tidbit was interesting to me, too, "LC pattern: Aggressiveness in the Bible." Also:
(A) 150 Happiness in the Bible [sp2008004528]
150 Animated films [May Subd Geog] [sp 85088032]
* 450 UF Animated cartoons (Motion pictures)
* 450 UF Cartoons, Animated (Motion pictures)
155 Anthology films [Not Subd Geog] [sp2007025581]
455 UF Anthologies (Motion pictures)
Does this mean MOTION PICTURES is dead, or at least no longer used for new categories?
Maybe not:
(C) 130 Bible—In motion pictures [sp 00003623]
OMG These people are intense:
* 680 Here are entered works on Biblical themes in motion pictures that are not themselves Bible films. Motion picture versions of Biblical stories are entered under Bible films. CANCEL
* 680 Here are entered works on Biblical themes in motion pictures that are not themselves Bible films. Works on film versions of Biblical stories are entered under Bible films subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisons.
150 Bible films [May Subd Geog] [sp 85013816]
* 680 Here are entered motion picture versions of Biblical stories. Works on Biblical themes in motion pictures that are not themselves Bible films are entered under Bible In motion pictures. CANCEL
* 680 When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical, and/or form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about film versions of Biblical stories. Works on Biblical themes in motion pictures that are not themselves Bible films are entered under Bible In motion pictures.
* 550 BT Motion pictures CANCEL
* 550 BT Religious films
155 Bible films [Not Subd Geog] [sp2008025537]
680 Here are entered film versions of Biblical stories.
455 UF Biblical films
555 BT Religious films
150 Clay animation films [May Subd Geog] [sp 87003358]
* 680 When subdivided by the appropriate geographic, topical and/or form subdivisions, this heading is used for works about clay animation films.
* 450 UF Sculptmation films
155 Clay animation films [Not Subd Geog] [sp2007025320]
455 UF Claymation films
455 UF Sculptmation films
555 BT Animated films
I hope one of my cataloger friends can tell me why geographic subdivision is a factor in the assignment of cross-references. Why why why is CLAYMATION only a UF with CLAY ANIMATION FILMS [NOT SUBD GEOG]???
150 Balloon sculpture [May Subd Geog] [sp 85011322]
* 450 UF Balloon modelling
* 450 UF Balloon twisting
* 450 UF Sculpture, Balloon
* 550 BT Sculpture CANCEL
If I were a balloon artist, I might be up in arms about my art no longer being considered a form of sculpture.
* 150 Copy reading CANCEL
(A) 150 Copy editing [sp 85032433]
053 PN4784.C75 (Journalism)
680 Here are entered works on word by word editing for spelling, grammar, style, etc. Works on editing that significantly structures the content and presentation of a work as a whole are entered under Developmental editing.
450 UF Copyediting
450 UF Copyreading
550 BT Editing
681 Note under Developmental editing
Seems like a wise change. I wonder when it was first proposed.
150 Dandies [May Subd Geog] [sp 85035698]
* 450 UF Dandyism CANCEL
150 Dandyism [May Subd Geog] [sp2008004501]
550 BT Behavior
550 BT Fashion
150 Dandyism in music [sp2008004174]
550 BT Music
150 Musicians as dandies [May Subd Geog] [sp2008004503]
450 UF Musician dandies
550 BT Dandies
I had no idea.
(A) 150 Exceptional teenagers [May Subd Geog] [sp2008004585]
550 BT Teenagers
(A) 150 Gifted teenagers [May Subd Geog] [sp 90005937]
* 550 BT Exceptional teenagers
* 550 BT Teenagers CANCEL
Could use a scope note, eh?
150 Heterosexuality in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2008004814]
053 PN1995.9.H45
550 BT Motion pictures
150 T (The letter) [sp2008004607]
550 BT Alphabet
What, no RTs?
(A) 151 United States—Civilization—Arab influences [sp2008004383]
550 BT Civilization, Arab
(A) 151 United States—Civilization—Islamic influences [sp2008004384]
550 BT Civilization, Islamic
Heh. This looks like activist cataloging to me.
(A) = indicates proposals that were approved before the editorial meeting
(C) = indicates proposals submitted by cooperating libraries
Emily (not verified)
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 12:15pm
I believe the scope note on
I believe the scope note on "exceptional teenagers" could just be a picture of my face. At least according to my mother, who repeatedly insisted, despite all evidence to the contrary (and there was a lot of evidence to the contrary!), that I was "very popular! You're popular with me!"
And I'll be very interested to see what gets classed with that Heterosexuality in motion pictures heading, and whether they'll apply it retrospectively to Sleepless in Seattle. I think proliferating headings for 'normal' identity categories could actually be pretty politically interesting--the margins get endlessly named and subdivided and attached adjectivally. What about the straights? Isn't it their turn?
Always love the SACO lists--thanks for posting!
Mon, 07/21/2008 - 12:58pm
OMG, what's worse than being
OMG, what's worse than being popular with your mother when you're a teenager?
Thanks for the support of these SACO posts. Judging from the number of hits I get, cat names are a much more popular topic.
Oh, yes, a lot of fun could be had with hetero film headings. Not to mention that it would be damned useful to be able to isolate the straights and norms when doing research!
Anonymouse (not verified)
Thu, 07/24/2008 - 9:21am
I actually just found your
I actually just found your blog...but I had so much fun reading these SACO posts yesterday. Fabulous.
bible college (not verified)
Tue, 08/05/2008 - 9:40am
very interesting comments. I
very interesting comments. I did enjoy reading the SACO list and the articles. I will be back for more. Thanks