I want to point my fellow New Yorkers to this article by Steve Wishnia in The Indypendent. The conceipt of the piece is that since Bloomberg is going to buy the Mayoral election anyway, then we shouldn't let him have it for the mere $80 million he's likely to spend on advertisement, but that we should demand the full $11.5 billion he has earned since becoming NYC mayor in 2001. (His "worth" then was $4.5 billion; now it's 16.) Wishnia portions out the 11.5 B on the MTA, housing, education, jobs, alternative energy, health, etc.
The article is accompanied by sidebars "CUNY for All" in which John Tarleton applies Mike's dough to the institution that offered free tuition from 1848-1976 and "Mike's Money Madness" by Alex Kane that reveals Bloomberg to have been a good mayor, "for Wall Street plutocrats and rich developers." Kane also reports that the number of people who were stopped by the NYPD in 2008 was 531,159 (80% black and Latino) compared to 86,705 (73% black and Latino) in 2001 under Giuliani. Whoa!
I didn't post this because I'm supporting Reverend Billy, the Green Party candidate for mayor, but I am. I'd rather vote for the guy who has recited the 1st Amendment in public thousands of times, than for the guy who thinks the 1st amendment rates below the grass in Central Park as a quality of life issue for New Yorkers.