Katie Haegele, whose zine I quoted in an earlier post, wrote an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer about using LibraryThing to catalog zines. She also gets a little bit into the social networking attributes of the project.
In addition to writing for the Inquirer, Katie is a zinester (The La-La Theory and others) and word geek. In the article she talks about how because of the Barnard Zine Collection's presence in its library's online catalog, its contents are findable in LibraryThing. After that she gets into tagging and quotes Barbara Fister, who I just think is the bomb. Barbara blogs for ACRLog, writes mystery novels, and is the librarian behind the Bedford Handbook. I can't understand why she's not a bigger star in the old biblioblogosphere. Great quote from the article, "Having readers add their own [subject headings] is a nifty development and sort of exemplifies the DIY zeitgeist in a world where cataloging by the rules has fallen into decline because it's too costly." She said "nifty" and "zeitgeist." In the same sentence!
Katie quotes two other librarians in the article, cataloger K.R Roberto of the University of Denver and Casey Brough, a school librarian with a nascent zine collection in New Hampshire.