Being a zine publisher and zine librarian, I am accustomed to getting pretty good mail, but the unexpected package I received yesterday from my WAM co-presenter Lana Thelen beat just about anything non-edible I could possibly get.
Go ahead, make the jokes. The first two I thought of were:
The most obvious -- You know they're really reading it for the articles!
And, a little on the gross side -- Unlike other library copies, you can be pretty sure the pages won't be sticky.
Lana lamented that the dots don't form any titillating pictures. She said they also have the magazine on tape, but that it's just the text, unfortunately, unlike audio described DVDs that "provide narration of a program’s key visual elements, such as characters' actions, costuming, gestures, and facial expressions."
She also informs me that "braille and audio versions of news / magazines ... record everything BUT the ads!" and "screen reading software like JAWS doesn't read the sponsored ads on a Google search (or any ads except pop-ups for that matter)."