If you must involve yourself with holiday related consumption, consume this: Tales for Little Rebels: A Collection of Radical Children's Literature.
My friend Charlotte Pomerantz has a story in it from 1971 called "The Day They Parachuted Cats on Borneo." It's about DDT and how while it didn't have the desired effect on the island's mosquito population, it did wreak havoc on the local ecology by messing with the creatures that ingested it and also the creatures that ingested the creatures that ingested it. Ultimately, and sadly, they ended up with dead cats and lots of rats and had to fly in replacement cats to take care of the rat problem. I'm not sure if Charlotte knows or cares, but the story is available online via pdf.
The Tales are not really for little rebels, but for adults interested in radical literature for kids. I say that because the stories are not reproduced to scale, or to my memory always in color, but I think many radical folks with or without radical children will enjoy this illustrated history of the oeuvre.
Mon, 12/01/2008 - 10:16am
There will be a reading of
There will be a reading of this book at Bluestockings on Saturday, December 20th @ Noon.